Wednesday, July 27, 2005

FOTW Week Three: Coleslaw Spoils in Heat

FOTW may be late rewarding points, but lack of meaningless blather doesn't mean it's time to break out the eulogy.

But for some people, that's a hard concept to grasp.

This week ColeslawBlog receives one negative point, as do Flop and Crimenotes individually. Crimenotes loses points for anal retentiveness about FOTW posts, and Flop loses a point for failing to stop Crime notes from committing FOTW blasphemy.

Everyone else wins one point, because as long as Evil is doling it out, everybody gets some.

The standings as of July 27:

Evil Girl 4
Tim Haddock 4
Alex Dobdkldsfakldsa 3
Edith 1
Erin Holmes 1
Evan Pondel 1
Everyone else 0
Everyone at Fox News -1
Coleslawblog -1
LAX prick -1
Crime Notes -3
Flop -4


Blogger Flop said...

Fine! I try to be encouraging, and this is what happens. A pox upon you both.

This may demand a return of Friend of the Week's ugly stepchild: Prick of the Week.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Flop said...

And wait, how come Evil Girl can award herself points? Is this site run by Ohio election officials?

9:12 PM  
Blogger Flop said...

"As long as Evil [Girl] is doling it out, everybody gets some."

Isn't that the truth.

11:22 AM  

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